Academic Experiences


Please find my academic CV here and my industry CV here

I am a hydro-geodesist with a knowledge of hydrological sciences, particularly surface hydrology and wetlands. I got my PhD in the unit of Water, Permafrost, and Environmental Systems at Stockholm University (SU) in 2023. Prior to that, I did my undergraduate and graduate studies in geomatics and marine geodesy with a strong focus on both theories and applications of remote sensing.

PhD Thesis: Monitoring Water Availability in Northern Inland Waters from Space (Stockholm University’s library)

My PhD research led to 8 manuscripts (5 published and 3 under review), four of which are included in my thesis addressing three over-arching objectives. The first two objectives relate to a hydrologic analysis of changes in water occurrence and water levels and their main drivers in the face of climate change with the help of Earth Observations (EO). The third objective seeks to tackle remote sensing methodological challenges in hydrologic applications.

This figure illustrates The structure of my PhD thesis regarding the main focus, the type of satellite data used in each study, and the case studies. Thesis structure

Besides research articles, I am developing a comprehensive data product of water levels in approximately 1000 lakes in Sweden, which I expect to be of high interest to the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, among other stakeholders.